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Letter "S" » Sarah Robinson Quotes
«When I opened the letter they sent me in December, I was just so surprised. I had to read it a couple of times I was so overwhelmed. It really means a lot to me.»
«What I focus on is not the ribbons and the trophies but the progress the girls make as athletes and people, developing a respect for the sport and for the other athletes. To me, that's what coaching is all about.»
«I have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that doesn't work well with a track schedule. But I told the girls I'll still run with them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I just didn't want to stretch myself too thin and not be able to give them the time they deserve. I'll stay involved because I don't think I can stop.»
«I've never been so psyched ? I'm so excited we made it this far. We grew up as a group this season and now we're showing everyone that we're a good team.»
«It's not like I was dominating, and Kailua is such a good hitting team. I was depending on my defense, and they came through.»
«It's crazy. What's going on? I don't know. I just think life is piling up.»
«We're seeing the usual breaks and bruises. But we're also seeing cigarette burns and chemical burns that we haven't seen that much of in the past.»
«I think we've got parents who are biological but haven't really learned how to parent because they are young or didn't have the best role models growing up. We've got parents with drug issues. I think we've got parents with mental health issues.»
«We chip away, chip away wherever we can.»
«Just to walk in and see everything you had and work so hard, to try to build up, be destroyed in just a matter of hours was just devastating.»

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