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Letter "I" » it No
«Anxiety about the future never profits; we feel no evil until it comes, and when we feel it, no counsel helps; wisdom is either too early or too late.»
Author: Arthur Somers Roche | About: Anxiety, Future | Keywords: counsel, it No, profits
«I've reached a point in life where it's no longer necessary to try to impress. If they like me the way I am, that's good. If they don't, that's too bad.»
«Baseball is a red-blooded sport for red-blooded men. It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out. It's a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest.»
«Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.»
«Enthusiasm is the inspiration of everything great. Without it no man is to be feared, and with it none despised.»
Author: Christian Nevell Bovee | About: Enthusiasm | Keywords: despised, feared, it No
«[Will gives a cake to Monica]Will : It's no fat, no sugar, no dairy... It's no good, throw it out.»
Author: Friends | Keywords: cake, dairy, fat, it No, Monica, no-good, sugar
«Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.»
Author: Henry Miller (Author, Writer) | About: Destiny | Keywords: imperative, imperatives, it No, leads
«For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.»
«Democracies don't go to war against each other, and by and large they don't sponsor terrorism. They're more likely to respect the environment and human rights and social justice. It's no accident that most of the terrorists come from non-democratic countries.»
«And you don?t get the normal perks of a normal job, like people who work in an office; they have other people there, you can flirt, you know? You go, ?Hey! Oh, you?re new here, aren?t you? How are you getting on? Do you want a coffee? I was gonna go get a coffee- I can get you a coffee? You know, I like my coffee like I like my women- in a plastic cup!?Beekeepers can?t do that! 2,000 bees? (buzzing sounds) ?Hello, there, you in the street! You?re new, aren?t you??(scared) ?Huh???Do you want a cup of coffee? It?s no problem! (buzzing continues) No real problem???I don?t want a cup of coffee from you! You?re covered in bees!??I like my women like I like my coffee? covered in bees! Now back off, back off!? (screams)They?re always just behind you? or in front. If beekeepers get together, and go in a sort of general outing, and they?re in a van with a lot of bees following, ?Faster! Faster! (buzzing sounds) Faster! Put your foot down!?(sighs) Yes?»

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