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Letter "Z" » Zoran Djindjic Quotes
«I represent a generation that knows about life in the West and the rest of the world, people who want to do everything possible so that we become a normal European country.»
«Our priority is to preserve at least some political stability. The risk of the collapse of the federal government if the issue hits the agenda is too big,»
«We can tell the citizens we will fight for their rights and we can say that this is going to be the first government that will not be dealing with itself but with the interests of the citizens,»
«The spirit of rebellion must live in Serbia. Only then will we know we are alive and not servants of a dictator.»
«Legally, I never received the draft notice. Morally, it is really cynical to summon me, the president of a (political) party that before the war and during the war has warned against the catastrophic policy of this regime.»
«I am confident that this time next year Milosevic will be history,»
«Getting all our seats is not enough to satisfy Serbia, ... Our demands go far beyond.»
«We expect a lot of problems in trying to free the media.»
«Dictators like violence, ... If you use violence against dictators they are happy. You must undermine them by supporting positive democratic forces, not by creating conflict. Milosevic is good in conflicts.»
«Being here today is the bravest thing in Europe. But this will be the biggest victory in Europe because this is the last dictatorship in Europe -- and we will crush it.»

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