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Letter "W" » Wendell Perkins Quotes
«We are seeing a real recovery in tech revenue and earnings, and we look at 2004 being a reasonably good year for the economy. The question is: Does the outlook really support the market run and the valuations we put on those companies?»
«What you've seen out there is nutty. It doesn't make any sense.»
«I'm not worried about earnings, but there may be a limited upside for the market because of where valuations are.»
«If we have significant refinery capacity problems due to Katrina, that certainly puts more upward pressure on gas prices, which in turn I think has to affect restaurant demand.»
«The Sony brand remains very powerful. Competitors have managed to hammer away but the brand is still well-known and stands for high quality. They've got to become the company that they used to be, which was highly innovative.»
«When you have stocks that are doubling in value in a few weeks when there's no significant change in fundamentals, that's all you can hope for. It's not worth hanging onto any longer.»
«It would suggest to me that they are not experiencing any meaningful improvement in their sales figure. They just can't seem to strike a message that consumers respond to. This is an attempt to bring in fresh thinking to help John turn the company back in the right direction.»
«In the late 1990s and early 2000 nobody cared how high prices were and how high valuations got. Now, nobody cares how low they go.»
«Oracle had a nice run and no longer fit our value parameters.»
«[Perkins also thinks that since Wall Street has been relatively bearish on the stock, the slightest bit of good news could boost the company's shares.] There doesn't seem to be huge expectations for Apple, ... So any moderate surprise to the upside should have a powerful effect on the stock.»

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