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Letter "N" » Nate Robertson Quotes
«I did a couple slide steps and then threw a couple pitches wide and was worried more about holding the runner instead of throwing a quality pitch. So when he said something, you put two and two together and you figure it out.»
«If I had that every time out, I'd go 32-, 33-0.»
«Leyland's not afraid to yell at you from the dugout. It's situational things, not pitch selection. When he says something, I take it to the bank. I trust what he says.»
«It's not very normal, but Leyland's not afraid to yell at you from the dugout.»
«If I had that every time I went out, I'd have a chance to go 32 or 33-0. It's not going to be that way all year long. We as pitchers know that.»
«Today, it's a new year. It's a new beginning, and we don't need to talk about run support anymore.»
«The thing is, it's not been ugly baseball. We've lost three games, and we've played good baseball.»
«He's Jim Thome. He's good. But in the future with him, being left-handed, I've got to do a little bit better.»
«He wants our expectations to be greater than maybe they've been.»
«He just told me that he believes in me enough to leave me out there in that situation to get out of it. When a manager believes in you in a situation like that, leaves you in, that's something to take to the bank. It did a lot for me. That was outstanding.»

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