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Letter "M" » Marcus Ginyard Quotes
«It's dangerous to give a team like that momentum.»
«He won't settle for mediocrity. He says we've got five freshmen on the team and things like that, but over and over in the locker room he's telling us that we're going to be a good team. We can't settle for any less than that.»
«Watching with buddies, you're talking about look at that dunk, look at that 3. You sit down with a coach, and he's talking about look at this defensive mistake that team made and how to correct it. So you're getting a totally different look from him.»
«We understand we can't have any mental mistakes. Mental mistakes are what other teams capitalize on, and that's how you get upsets. We've got to get the mind strong for where we're going to go.»
«It's hard to believe it's over. We played so well all year. For 40 minutes, to be gone like that is shocking.»
«Danny was big-time tonight. He's always there kind of lurking around. He was a big lift for us this time. We know he can step up and take big-time shots.»
«This made us realize there's no room for all the mistakes we made tonight. We were lucky to get away with it. We have to play better basketball, smarter basketball throughout the rest of the tournament.»
«They were just like any other free throws, really. You've just got to step up to the line and knock them in.»
«This is by far the worst time to expect anything different than a good basketball game.»
«It's crazy. It's all over. We played so well all year, and for it to be gone in 40 minutes like that until next October, it's shocking.»

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