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Letter "M" » Marco Killingsworth Quotes
«I got a really good look and I just couldn't get it to go down. There's really not much you can say about a shot like that. I should have made it, that's all.»
«It isn't like the Big Ten, where you play each team over and over and see each other on TV every night. You know the teams you are playing. I don't know anything about San Diego State, and they don't know anything about us. It is a fresh start for everyone.»
«When I saw Indiana on the screen, I got goose bumps. I didn't expect that (six seed). It's a blessing just getting there.»
«It's all forgotten now. We're in the tournament now.»
«He's the only coach I've been around who really cares about you. It's not just about basketball. I think, personally, that Indiana, the school, is really missing out because he's in the trenches with all of us.»
«He told me about the pressure, but he said I wouldn't really understand it until I got there and went through it. Now, I see what he was talking about.»
«Coach is sort of like a senior, too. He's one-and-done. We've got a lot to fight for.»
«We can do some damage. Nobody knows you here. They might see a couple of your games on tape, but they don't know you like the Big Ten knows you. That's why we've got a chance to make some noise.»
«They go to that offensive glass every time.»
«I didn't say a word, but what can you do? The official is the boss. He's the police out there.»

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