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Letter "L" » Larry Bird Quotes
«I like the way we're playing. Not just because we're winning games, but because of the way we're moving the ball. It seems like we're coming together. We'll win a lot of games doing that.»
«We weren't really interested in what teams were talking about. We haven't had our team together for two years. I like how we're playing now. We need to get everybody back and look at the product before we make any type of decision on whether we want to do anything this summer.»
«I think in another month we'll know if the league will allow us to take him off our cap and give us some relief.»
«We can't let that type of stuff happen. I've been talking to (Harrison) at least once a week. Not only David, but everybody, has to clean that junk up. It's uncalled for. We don't like it, the fans don't like it. That stuff is going to be taken care of.»
«You can't walk in there after a couple of months off and expect to play in the playoffs. He's definitely going to have to play some games before the playoffs. There's no question about that. The playoffs are completely different.»
«Consistency has been one of our biggest problems. I don't see anybody on our team that you can depend on every night to do the same thing. One night they're up, and one night they're down. If you know what you're getting from each player, it's pretty easy as far as coaching. When it's inconsistent, you don't know what you're going to get and it makes it hard to substitute.»
«He's made as many clutch shots as anybody who has ever played this game.»
«There were a lot of doubts. I had an opportunity to play against Reggie. After the first two or three times, there was no doubt they made the right decision.»
«Me and Reggie go way back. I've seen him from him developing as a young player to us retiring his jersey. That's pretty awesome.»
«Hoosiers love this place. The high school game has produced a lot of legendary stories, and those stories get told here.»

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