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Letter "J" » Jack Bicknell Quotes
«I would prefer to throw the ball and then set up the run. If you can't throw the ball, you're absolutely dead.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«These kids certainly deserve to go. I don't know how the whole thing works.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«NFL Europe is a whole new world for college quarterbacks, ... This is a step down from the NFL, but it's a big step up from college. When you get to the pros, it's hard to get used to how well everyone at every position can run. Quarterbacks make throws into the seam that used to get there in college and now they're getting picked. You get an education over here you can't get holding a clipboard.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«[The past two seasons, coach Jack Bicknell abandoned his passing schemes to spotlight running back Ryan Moats. With Moats now in the NFL, Bicknell has dusted off his old playbooks.] I would prefer to throw the ball and then set up the run, ... If you can't throw the ball, you're absolutely dead.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«[Outlook: Jackson, who was used sparingly in the first two games, is expected to earn a greater role as the season progresses. With the logjam at running back, Jackson is now assigned to return kicks.] We keep giving him opportunities, ... and he keeps doing a good job for us.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«I thought he did a great job, ... He missed a couple (of passes) and he forced one that was a bonehead play. Other than that, he did a great job running the offense.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«They have some good outside rushers, ... We have a tackle that has a bad ankle and just couldn't block them. But it was everyone, and I'm not using the bad ankle as an excuse.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«I though the defense did all right, but they got fatigued pretty early, ... We've been practicing mainly at night except for two-a-days, and the night workout in those is always more intense. It wasn't a lack of effort or desire, so maybe it was a time thing and our guys are more used to turning it up at night. But with this hot, muggy morning, they got tired in a hurry.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«Overall we saw some good things and some bad things, just like you do every scrimmage, ... The good thing is that I feel like we're farther along at this point than we've been in the past, mainly because we have a better understanding of our base offense and defense. The players are comfortable with what we're trying to do, so now we just have to try to make sure everyone is healthy and ready to go against Florida.»
Author: Jack Bicknell
«They have some good outside rushers. We have a tackle that has a bad ankle and just couldn't block them. But it was everyone, and I'm not using the bad ankle as an excuse.»
Author: Jack Bicknell

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