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Letter "G" » Gail Goestenkors Quotes
«She's one of the most dynamic players in the country. She's that team's heart and soul.»
«I'm really impressed with Jefferson. She just keeps getting better and better. She's somebody who can get her own shots. She's strong, she's physical, she's athletic. She's just a tough kid.»
«We were really trying to get a game with Michigan State this year. Both schools worked really hard to make this happen. Both schools wanted a home-and-home. The dates just didn't work out. I'm happy to be playing Michigan State. I wish it was in the state of Michigan.»
«It was certainly a battle to get here. We all had at least one game that we really had to fight through that came right down to the bitter end to determine who would get to the Final Four.»
«I think we've gotten back to playing the way we want to play, and that's hard, aggressive defense.»
«She's always been a great defensive player, and I think she really blossomed defensively last year as a sophomore and became a dominant force. This year, our goal was for her to become as aggressive on the offensive end as she was on the defensive end ? because she has the skills.»
«She was much more aggressive with the basketball, and it paid off for her and for us. She still passed up three or four shots that I wish she would have taken. But it's a great start for her, and I hope she can build on that.»
«It's not awkward to me at all. Kids transfer all the time. I know she stays in touch with some of the players. We've always just wished her the very best.»
«I've been trying to get back home with my team. It's kind of ironic that we both tried hard to schedule a game this year during the season and unfortunately the dates did not work out and we're now playing each other in the NCAA Tournament.»
«It's the little things (that will decide the game). When you get to this stage, every team is a great team. You're not going to make changes at this point in time, so you have to do the little things very, very well. It's the box-outs, the screens. It's the attack mindset on both ends of the floor. It's the little things that make the big difference.»

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