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This essay is about rachel carson and her book silent spring and her why she thinks that pesticides like DDT are ruining the earth and what we can do to help.

Title: This essay is about rachel carson and her book silent spring and her why she thinks that pesticides like DDT are ruining the earth and what we can do to help.
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 1405 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
This essay is about rachel carson and her book silent spring and her why she thinks that pesticides like DDT are ruining the earth and what we can do to help.
Rachel Carson was an intelligent woman, she knew it was not a good idea to spray chemicals over the earth, she knew there were better ways of killing the weeds, insects, rodents, and other organisms that are a problem. She spent most of her life researching and writing about these things. The problem with spraying insecticides and pesticides to kill one thing is that it will hurt many more things in the process, including defenseless …showed first 75 words of 1405 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1405 total…eat anything without worrying if it could cause us harm or even kill us. She wanted everyone to be able to go out in nature and enjoy what they saw. She couldn't see how we wouldn't want a world like that, how we would compromise the whole world of nature for slight progress. The people should be more careful about what they are putting on the earth and what it is doing to the earth.

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