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This essay compares the impact of modernization on the roles and living standards of women in developed countries to women living in more traditional societies.

Title: This essay compares the impact of modernization on the roles and living standards of women in developed countries to women living in more traditional societies.
Category: /Social Sciences/Sociology
Details: Words: 487 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
This essay compares the impact of modernization on the roles and living standards of women in developed countries to women living in more traditional societies.
Women have been trying to improve their status for many years. It started with the vote but that didn't really change their social position in society. They were still looked at as second class citizens. It wasn't until the 1960's that a second wave of feminism started to grow. Instead of focusing on voting rights, educational freedom, and political and legal rights, they turned their attention to social and economic issues such as sexuality, family …showed first 75 words of 487 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 487 total…of ignorance to the law. The changes were on paper but not practiced, because of the traditional attitudes of women. Economic development was crucial to women's liberation. The countries that were progressing economically were the ones that provided women with more rights and freedoms. Women in these countries had paying jobs, were more educated and enjoyed sexual freedom. In the undeveloped world things moved much slower except in some of the cities in those countries.

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