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Snails - Makes a suitable short report or introduction to a lab report

Title: Snails - Makes a suitable short report or introduction to a lab report
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 361 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Snails - Makes a suitable short report or introduction to a lab report
Snails The snail is a Geophila in the class Gastropoda, subclass Pulmonata. Snails are in the Mollusca, or Molluska phylum. There are about 75,000 species of Gastropods that live on land, in the sea, or in freshwater. The snail's cousins include oysters, octopi, squid, and clams. The snail is also closely related to the slug, being a Gastropod as well. The word "Gastropod" means stomach-foot, because the foot of a gastropod is located near its stomach. …showed first 75 words of 361 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 361 total…on its head. The longer pair is for seeing, while the shorter one the snail uses for smelling. Without these tentacles, the snail would be in danger every time it moved. Though snails do not all have the same anatomical, most have similar organs. A snail often has eyes, a mouth, a radula, a lung, a digestive gland, a stomach, a lung, a mantle, an intestine, a kidney, a foot, and a heart. -Deranged Hydralisk

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