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Parallels Between "Animal Farm" and Soviet History.

Title: Parallels Between "Animal Farm" and Soviet History.
Category: /Science & Technology/Zoology
Details: Words: 831 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Parallels Between "Animal Farm" and Soviet History.
Confusion, hunger, anger, and the unknown ran through the minds of those whom were caught in the middle of the Russian Revolution. Their hard work towards their dream of a better life was put to shame by their once companion, turned leader, Stalin. The leader who the people of Russia believed, and were told, could be their equal and lead Russia to the glory of guaranteed jobs, food, hospitalisation, education, housing, and pension plans through …showed first 75 words of 831 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 831 total…also welcomes the idea of "All animals are equal." This is strange considering western civilization sees communism as something that should be shunned. This shows that one must look deeper than emotions and beliefs and focus on the big picture. This thought process must be remembered as well as that event in history. The only way to make good out of this event is to remember it, and not let the same mistake occur again.

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