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Extinction of Australian Megafauna

Title: Extinction of Australian Megafauna
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 686 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Extinction of Australian Megafauna
Throughout time Australia has withstood the many climatic and geological changes that have affected it's vegetation and native fauna. Australia has been isolated from other continents for 45 million years. This isolation resulted in many unique plants and animals evolving. Over this time Australia has changed from a green, forested land to one of the most arid vegetated landmasses on Earth. This change of climate is reflected in the fossil record. Fossil plants show that at …showed first 75 words of 686 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 686 total…which was about three metres tall, weighed about half a tonne, and has been nicknamed the 'giant demon duck of doom'. Dr Murray stated "Animals tend to gravitate towards the last few remaining water holes during a drought. When you get many animals congregating around one water hole, they eat all the food. Ultimately, if the drought doesn't break, they die of starvation." (Cited at:

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