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Differences in thinking betwen the USSR in the East and the US and UK in the West.

Title: Differences in thinking betwen the USSR in the East and the US and UK in the West.
Category: /Science & Technology/Zoology
Details: Words: 563 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Differences in thinking betwen the USSR in the East and the US and UK in the West.
The Cold War started from the end of World War Two until 1991. It was a rivalry between the two super power states, USSR, and US, and this war was based on the spread of two different ideologies to the world, Capitalism and Communism. Ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs, which form the basis of an economic or political system. Therefore, from economic and political system, we can see the differences of ideology between …showed first 75 words of 563 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 563 total…The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, has defeated the Emperor, Tsar Nicholas II, and had a revolution. Later, they established Comintern, an organization set up in 1919 to spread this idea, and the West was under threats of economic collapse if they were influenced with it. Therefore, the West always tried to stop it from spreading. This war has gone on for more than 70 years, and in some part of the world, this war hasn't ended yet.

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