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Courage and Commitment

Title: Courage and Commitment
Category: /Science & Technology/Zoology
Details: Words: 364 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Courage and Commitment
To some people courage means taking the chance to walk outside in the rain. But what does courage mean to you? I think it means doing something that damages you but is the right thing. It might damage you mentally, physically, or emotionally. Courage is also facing your fears and conquering them. I'm going to tell you a short story about a girl named Nala Nala lived in a desert village. The village's oasis had …showed first 75 words of 364 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 364 total…sacred water to her people. Her people were extremely grateful and presented her with courage and bravery awards. Everybody was happy because one person showed courage and faced her rears and conquered them. Commitment is being dedicated to something and giving your all. In the story the girl gave her all and acquired the water. She was committed and showed courage. As they always say great things are done more through courage than through wisdom.

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