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Cars should be banned in all town centres to control pollution

Title: Cars should be banned in all town centres to control pollution
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 305 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Cars should be banned in all town centres to control pollution
Whether cars should be banned in all town centres is a complicated issue, and one which many people have strong feelings about. There are some reasons why cars should be banned. Firstly, it would reduce pollution greatly, which is especially important since town centres always consist of tall buildings and narrow spaces which often hold the pollution in one spot. Secondly, with less traffic there would be fewer accidents, and hence society would save money …showed first 75 words of 305 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 305 total…or sick (or lazy). In my opinion, cars should be restricted from town centres but only during peak hours. It would be impractical and impossible to ban cars completely because they are such an essential part of modern city living, however the problems of pollution and traffic congestion must be reduced. This solution is not perfect but the best we can do, and infact is done already in some major cities like Melborn in Australia.

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