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BAYER - A Case Study

Title: BAYER - A Case Study
Category: /Science & Technology/Zoology
Details: Words: 4125 | Pages: 15 (approximately 235 words/page)
BAYER - A Case Study
Introduction: Bayer was founded in Barmen by the successful partnership between Johann Friedrich Weskott, acknowledge as the master of dyeing and dye salesman Friedrich Bayer. They registered "Friedrich Bayer & Companies" in the commercial register on August 1, 1863. It started with a workforce of only three (3) people in 1863 to more than 300 in 1881. Aside from being a dye factory, Bayer progressed into a chemical company from 1881 to 1913. To date Bayer employs 120,000 people worldwide. It has now …showed first 75 words of 4125 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 4125 total…aims in bringing profit to its stockholders, Bayer should also consider its social responsibility of satisfying its customers not only in the products and services that it can offer in the market but more importantly in selling these products and services at a very low and affordable price. Only then would Bayer let the whole world know that indeed it is a company with an exemplary work culture and high value for the customers' money.

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